Guiding Questions for Research

This question provided the focus and framing to my international field experience by bridging it to my work as an administrator/teacher leader in my community.
Guiding Question:
How are Peruvian teachers being trained to adapt, and overcome, the challenges that lie at the intersections of language, culture, and resources?
Reflection is located at the conclusion of each blog post. Connections between the Peru, as a country, a culture, and a people, is woven together with an attempt to answer this guiding question. These conclusions can only hope to provide a starting point for understanding the complex challenges of teacher preparation and professional development.
Supporting questions:
What are the fundamental requirements for teacher certification in Peru?
What professional development is necessary to maintain this certification?
What professional development is conducted in schools?
What tools and skills do teachers possess? Need to develop?
How clear is the communication between the MoE and school administration/teachers?
Is education still seen as a way to foster a national identity?
increased immigration from Venezuela (1.29 million displaced persons)
severe gaps from COVID - differences between urban and rural areas? (if any)
Spanish vs. Quechua and Aymara
No longer “Spanish only”
Accounts for a significant portion of the population
Spanish Peruvians vs. Indigenous Peruvians
Importance of education
Materials and textbooks
Communication with families
Access in rural areas