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Digital Learning Environments

Digital Citizenship

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The Digital Citizenship Institute provides resources aligned with the needs of our school's global, local, and digital communities The resources found here provided an excellent basis for the Academic Coaching curriculum and the continued integration of technology into our world.

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"The educator section of the ISTE Standards provides a road map to helping students become empowered learners. These standards will deepen your practice, promote collaboration with peers, challenge you to rethink traditional approaches and prepare students to drive their own learning."

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Information and Media Literacy

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Local resource!

The Poynter Institute at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, is the leader in media studies and responsible information literacy. MediaWise "empowers people of all ages to become more critical consumers of content online." Lessons centered around digital media literacy and fact-checking skills to spot misinformation and disinformation should become essential components of any research-based project

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Technology Integration to Support
English Language Learners

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"How to Use Flip With Multilingual Students" by Keenan Lee

The tech tool helps English learners develop their expressive and receptive language skills without the pressure of performing in front of the class. Flipgrid provides a direct, easy-to-learn platform that encourages verbal engagement and growth.

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